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Creative Works of
T. K. Mayadunne

Aspiring Author & YouTuber

Welcome to my official website! Here I present my creative works, including my upcoming novels.

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Ted Mayadunne

My name is Ted,

I'm an event technician by trade, but my main work involves writing fiction novels and YouTube.


I'm working on a fantasy series with at least one trilogy and many spin-offs and a other works revolving around the universe I created.


I'm also a YouTuber who runs mulptiple channels, each with a different theme and focus.


Eventually, I will turn my writing and filming into my main job, but as of right now, I'm doing this as a hobby and work as an event technician to earn my living.

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You can use the form to contact me directly, or write to me on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.


If you want to support me, you may use the Patreon link below.

Please, do not feel obliged to pay real money for anything which my website offers for free. Any payment other than the prices for my full novels or full albums are optional. If you want to donate, give the money to charitable organisation, or use the money to support your local community.


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